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Recent digital downloads and updates...


May 2014


Here we will share with our growing family of clients, any and all news that is about thriveolgism or related ideas and updates...helping us all move forward. For example, new seminars being held in your city or a local office for The Self Whisperer LLC opening with meeting rooms and other amenities, or our soon to be realized thriveolgist retreat that will be opening soon in a neighborhood near you!!!


We will also bring everyone news about additions to our staff, to make sure all in our family of clients has a customerized solution and any promotions as well...anyone who sends an email to (Subject: Diamond Dust) will recieve a customerized download of 5 Thriveology Tips on Grinding Diamonds in 3 to 5 business days!



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Latest books to be released...

November 2016

Our three breakthrough books will be released soon all across the U.S. and Canada! The first will concentrate on self-actualization available both in paperback and digital download; secondly "Tabitha Arise...Thriving beyond Surviving with 120 meta-attributes sown in the chapters, third in the series will be our book entitled "GiAnt Mentoring...Looking Goliath in the Eyes with our second set of 120 meta-attributes sown within it's chapters and finally the fourth book to be released is entitled "Manifesting Your-Self from within... continuing our last 120 meta-attributes neatly spread across the pages of these chapters. All 360 meta-attributes will be channeled through our readers consciousness by collecting the trinity of the set together or separately as they are released and special pricing will be available for those who signup through on our contact page via email or



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Our new app

March 2014

We're so more than excited about our new mobile app that will revolutionize personal development, motivational mentoring and life-balance opportunities for the next several decades. Stay up to date by going to our contact page and enrolling your email address and phone number so that we can keep everyone updated, including a monthly text message on our progress!


Of course we will soon announce the re-opening of our program for beta-testers, so if you feel qualified to do the job, go to our contact page and leave your info! One of our super early beta-testers, even received a pre-release of our free ebook and it helped to change her life so dramatically she got a promotion on her job.

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