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In a seminar, most attendees gather together and sit back to wait until it's over...we're have been changing that perspective time and time again. Our attendees come in looking to survive gathering together in a group, graduating and transforming to leading the conversation in our groups to leaving nearly prepared to help motivate others to start thriving again!



At Dr Daviyd & Associates LLC we’re passionate about making the impossible, possible for you to dramatically change your lives through our seminars and a few causes have been our focus for decades. Battered Women Awareness seminars allow our team to use the full weight and resources we have available to support any women challenged by the recovery of surviving their ordeal to thriving in a new life with a new lifestyle.


Domestic violence is a growing challenge on a global scale, it is more than the statistics as we have found there are thousands of unreported lives nearly destroyed by untold violence. With the untold number of lives affected we have developed and catered our seminars to create thrivers from our attendees in hopes of establishing a culture of thrivers willing to lift others up as they climb, searching for others affected by domestic violence and yet unwilling to bravely seek help.


Our monthly seminars entitled "Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears" is entired focused on creating thrivers, supporting each attendee to go beyond surving to thriving and then to help others reach the same place beyond wrath and tears...



Our future leaders are being captured and hidden in a systematic and unacceptable manner without recourse or global awareness, Dr Daviyd and Associates LLC is sponsoring and delivering conferences and seminars created to raise a global awareness platform of support for our youth and their families behind bars mentally and physically...


"Children as young as 7 can be prosecuted and tried in adult court in 22 states "and" the District of Columbia."


The families of these young incarcerated minds are suffering the same imprisonment as the family members in the physical prisons. Instead of their sons or daughters being at home being raised in a proper environment, they are sometimes hundreds of miles away from home in an environment normally where only adults twice their age are allowed or held.



Dr Daviyd Peterson has personally reached out to several mothers and is establishing a groundswell of awareness support to change the onerous conditions, release those held illegally and support the incarcerated and their families so that they too may begin to thrive, even under the spiritual concrete of overwhelming oppressive prison conditions.


OCL Juveniles Life Sentencing Awareness Conference 2014 Oct 3-5
*Pass it On*



Creating a life beyond just fixing things on a daily basis or putting out mental fires nearly every hour they are encountered, is what our seminars woven with knowledge from Thriveology are all about...manifesting a life that thrives instead of survives.


Thriveology is the art and science of thriving, moving our lives beyond the box, coloring with our crayons beyond the lines...whatever way is best to see Thriveology, know that it's how to reach beyond the sky to unlimited possibilities.


Our team at Dr Daviyd & Associates LLC has even expanded the successful benefits of Thriveology to a new level with the added knowledge of couleurology and other arts and sciences we provide our family of clients in a continuing focus to improve the lives of a many people as possible. Thriveology teaches that everyone must grow and thrive, just like a well nourished forest or garden and our committment to improving whatever we can give to our family of clients is part of the culture we are envisioning in changing lives one person at a time.

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